Thursday, December 30, 2010
Say What??!?!?
Back in the day these two lovely individuals made a baby. The one on the right decided to do too many prescription pills and kicked the bucket. The one on the left was left to raise the baby alone. In an interview with Angelano Magazine (who?!?) Michelle Williams said that when their daughter matilda is old enough she will sit down and watch daddies famous movie Brokeback Mountain with her daughter. Says Michelle;
“I was just an actor who happened to be lucky enough to be in the right place, and it was the place where I met Matilda’s father, and that is a lot. It was a lot. And it will be a lot for Matilda too, when she gets around to watching it. I will watch it with her, when she’s ready. It is hard to imagine what that would feel like, but one day, yes, we will watch it together.”
This sounds either really sweet or really akward. On the one hand Michelle could walk her through all the moments she had with Heath during the movie. Something like "in this scene mommy and daddy got really emotional and then went back to daddy's trailer and f**cked like bunnies and made you." On the other hand it could be something like "this where daddy simulates butt sex on another man. clothes your eyes." Don't even get me started on the famous "spit scene".
via The Frisky
gay movies,